Present Acupuncture, a Modern Chinese-Western Combination.

Holistic and personalized treatment with comfort similar to your home

Our approach

-East Meets West

Our name, Present Acupuncture, suggests a present to you to be healthy. We integrate Chinese traditional and Western medicines to promote healing and prevent illnesses. Recognizing that ailments evolve, Chinese traditional medicine delves into the root causes, while Western medicine guides us in addressing specific manifestations. Utilizing knowledge of human anatomy, we pinpoint acupuncture points to achieve optimal results. We specialize on pain management, stroke recovery, stress reduction, oncology support. We aims to maintain a Yin-Yang balance within the body, fostering overall health and well-being.

Providing you with a relaxing space to heal

All your treatments will take place in our soothing private rooms, complimentary tea and water, and individualized care.


Our services

  • Acupuncture

  • Chinese Herbal Medicine

  • Cupping

  • Massage

“My thigh muscles were stiff and painful when pressed, likely a result of inadequate post-exercise care following prolonged intensive workouts. Fonnie applied her vibrating technique to my muscles, and after just one session, I felt a remarkable reduction of 90% in pain, though some expected overnight soreness lingered. However, even that discomfort disappeared soon after”.


Our blog

The Art of Acupuncture: Demystifying the Perception of Pain


How Acupuncture Works in Our Body?

Embracing Pro-Aging: Nurturing Beauty from the Inside Out

Jan 20

In a world where anti-aging has been a prevailing concept, we at Claremont Skin Care invite you to shift your perspective and embrace the beauty of pro-aging. Aging is a natural and universal law that gracefully touches every aspect of our lives. Instead of resisting it, we believe in acknowledging the journey, embracing the changes, and nurturing ourselves from within.

Understanding Pro-Aging

Pro-aging is not about defying the inevitable passage of time but rather about celebrating it. It's a mindset that focuses on maintaining a healthy body and a positive mind as we gracefully navigate the journey of aging. At Claremont Skin Care, we recognize that true beauty goes beyond appearances. It encompasses the vitality of the body, the resilience of the mind, and the wisdom that comes with the passing years.

Embracing the Aging Process

To Be Continued >>> Read More

Get started with Present Acupuncture today.